Fantastically Great women Who... books by Kate Pankhurst (various designs)
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Design: Saved the PlanetDesign: Worked WondersDesign: Made HistoryDesign: Changed the World

Fantastically Great women Who... books by Kate Pankhurst (various designs)

These lovely Fantastically Great Women books written and illustrated by Kate Pankhurst (descendant of Emmeline Pankhurst) are a wonderful way to introduce children to the pioneering women of history. Each book focusses on a different theme and also has an accompanying activity book!

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Our Price:  £6.99

Brand:  Bookspeed
Size:  250 x 250mm
Age:  5 - 10 years
Pages:  32
Author:  Kate Pankhurst


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Fantastically Great Women Who Saved the Planet: Tackle the plastic problem with Isatou Ceesay; marvel at the intelligence of chimpanzees with Jane Goodall; and plant seeds of change with Wangari Maathai. 

Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders: Discover eye-opening facts about a collection of headstrong women who pioneered careers in a kaleidoscope of different fields and industries. 

Fantastically Great Women Who Made History: Travel through the Underground Railroad with Harriet Tubman, turn the pages Frankenstein with Mary Shelley and prepare to meet countless other remarkable women.

Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World: Read all about the wonderful adventures of Mary Seacole, as well as those of Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Mary Anning, Agent Fifi, Sacagawa, Rosa Parks, Anne Frank and many more.

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